Every Man Is An Island

I stand by that. But clearly some men are island chains. Underneath, they are connected...

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Here's something that everybody does. They google themselves. But it's just so difficult to find oneself. So I'm gonna make it easier for a few people to find themselves.

My name is Ta Ho. I'm from Richfield, MN. I like stuff. Some people say I have crazy long monkey arms. I guess you can call me the Asian Sensation. A few designate me as Spiderman.

I'd like to nominate Kevin Schmitz from Apple Valley for honorable mention. Sometimes he's called Kevo from the AV. But whatever. Let's try and keep the shakies to a minimum, eh.

For all conference, comes Andy Johnson from Osceola. This is the Osceola in WI. I think the school colors are green and something else. He goes by AJ Johnson, but ironically, the AJ stands for Andy Johnson. A man so nice, he named himself twice. AJ prefers the a full body twitch.

Gotta mention the Craig Lewandowski from Port Washington, WI. That'd be the giant hole in the ground near Milwaukee. He's known as Big Papa C 'round these parts. He frequents water fowl websites.

And what about Aaron Westman with ties to Rochester. He's quite the thespian apparently. He's called Stonehandsio. He enjoys killing the trees.

Finally, is Ben Harris coming out of the boonies known as Minnetonka, or is it Victoria, or is it Waconia, or is it Chanhassen. Whatever the case, it's west of 169 and is located near corn fields. The Beefcake as he shall be known enjoys the pew pew pew game and communication through grunts.


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