Every Man Is An Island

I stand by that. But clearly some men are island chains. Underneath, they are connected...

Monday, May 23, 2005

Today is Monday.

Yesterday was pretty chill. I went to my first church service. That was...awkward. Did I mention that it was in Danish. My roomie and I walked in and sat down right underneath the stage where the Priest was going to stand. Luckily an old lady saved us. She took us over by her and translated some stuff. Afterward, we sat and had tea with some locals. It was cool. I talked a bit of politics with this dude. He knew more stuff than I did, which was slightly embarrassing. This lady showed up, and the guy explained to us that she was a little out of it and would have thrown a fit if she had found us sitting under the minister. We gracefully thanked the old lady who saved us. Oh yeah, the church called Trinity Church is set to turn 350 next year and was built by Christian IV who built tons of stuff.

We also went to a park and read a bit. At one point some old guy came and laid down near us. The next thing I know, he's laying there in a friggin speedo. Not cool!

Today, we went to Roskilde and saw the church. There were like 20 Kings and Queens buried there. I needed a jacket so I bought a sweet euro style one. It was like half off for only 200 kroner (33 USD). It was awesome. Then we went and saw the Viking museum. It was cool, but not much to it. On the way back I got a giant ice cream cone. It was a waffle cone with 3 scoops consisting of orange sorbet, raspberry sorbet, and strawberry ice cream. For only 1 more kroner, the lady threw on some soft serve and a whipped cream and some other pink kind of whipped cream and some cookie things. It was awesome even though I almost wanted to throw up. But I didn't so hurray!


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