Every Man Is An Island

I stand by that. But clearly some men are island chains. Underneath, they are connected...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Fortress of Solitude

"Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he imagine." ~ Paul Brunton

"I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude." ~ Henry David Thoreau

"In solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself." ~ Laurence Sterne

"The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude." ~ Aldous Huxley

"The whole value of solitude depends upon one's self; it may be a sanctuary or a prison, a haven of repose or a place of punishment, a heaven or a hell, as we ourselves make it." ~ John Lubbock

After some extensive soul searching or whatever stupid thing you wanna call it, I've discovered something about myself. I've found that I like being by myself. It's not like I don't like friends or spending time with them, but I've discovered a certain appreciation and satisfaction in doing things alone.

It's probably a good change I guess considering the whole graduating thing. It already happened last year when most everybody just kind of started doing their own thing. It's inevitable. People are busy, they move, things change, people change.

I think that I used to be one that felt that I needed to be with people all the time. I mean I really do value my friends. But I've changed, I don't NEED them. Maybe it has to do with having a better understanding of my own capabilities. Maybe it has to do with knowing more of what I want for myself. Maybe it has to do with a need for independence. Or maybe it has to with finally becoming a man. Wait, scratch that last one.

I used to get that feeling of boredom where I just had to call people and see what they were doing to hang out or something. It's not like that anymore. I relish the times when I'm by myself and can ponder the happenings of life. The best is when I am driving. It's just me and my thoughts. Many times my thoughts are filled with the lyrics of the song playing, but whatever.

I'm more independent and maybe that has to do with a more clear idea of what I want to do with myself and what I want to become. These goals take no consideration of others because there's nobody else, there's only me, no constraints. What an immense freedom.

There are things I want to do. Things I can and want to do by myself. Whether people care to join me is inconsequential.


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