Every Man Is An Island

I stand by that. But clearly some men are island chains. Underneath, they are connected...

Friday, July 28, 2006


Playing basketball at noon on a 90 plus degree day is a bad idea. The worst part was that by the end I was looking forward to going back to work. Work turned out to be a bit more enjoyable than the end of basketball. Hurray for AC.

Free lunch is also awesome. I was able to pillage from left over LeeAnn Chin from the department I was in during my internship. Score.

This weekend ends my consecutive streak of weekends out of town. It goes like so: Mary's house in Sauk Rapids, Frank's cabin way up in the middle of nowhere, Baltimore/DC for a wedding, Iowa for camping and tubing, and AJ's cabin. I'd better step it back up next week with a trip to the old boss's place up by Moose Lake.

The new bike rocks. I'm taking it to work once a week.

Moving sucks donkeys.

Back of knee sweat is the worst.

Trying to go on a big Keane kick. We'll see how that goes.

I read that local honey can help with allergies by providing you with trace amounts of the allergen. Let's hope this works. I've got about two weeks before the flood gates open.

I'm about 75 paychecks away from a new bimmer.

Why is there such a pressure to be in a relationship? I don't want to feel like all I'm doing is searching. What's wrong with being single?

I hate it when you try to explain something to somebody, and they just don't understand even though you laid it out there with perfect reasoning. It's like they just aren't listening to what you have to say because they have some preconceived notion. It's not that they can't understand. It's that they won't.

I used to live in denial and call myself secretly anal retentive, but now I've been outted. It's all out there for the world to enjoy, but I'm okay with it. Maybe it's only partial though because I don't freak out. I just have this need to have it a certain way. Maybe I'm a perfectionist. I like the sound of that better.

Scratch that, hot seat of the car back sweat is the worst.

Please don't treat me like an idiot because I'm probably smarter than you

When serving in volleyball, it is essential to throw in the word "bitches" after saying the score. Otherwise, it's guaranteed doom.

When tubing with multiple tubes, I love completing the intertube take over.


  • At 2:29 AM, Blogger The Beefcake said…

    Personally for me the best is 2 vs 2 on a total of 2 tubes. You have 1 anchor on each and 1 attacker. The best is when the attacker is able flip the other tube and himself in a dive that just digs the tube right into the water. You haven't done tubing until you try this.


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